
“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”

(verse 2-3)


That is how I want to be known, steadfast in the ways of the Lord; not wavering; firm like a strong tree that does not lack sustenance and to be fruitful. My leaf; or my appearance / life; to be constant. Evil and sin will come and go but those who stand firm in the Lord will prosper. This may not be financially, but we will lead good lives, our families and friends true, no falseness in our lives, our presence will be both a blessing and challenge to those we deal with on a daily basis. At all times pray, prayers of thanksgiving, prayers of battles against the evil one, prayers of healing and mercy for those in travail.

Whenever I feel oppressed, I pray this simple prayer – “I pray against all those who come against me, financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically and claim freedom in Christ”. And I include myself in this prayer as my thinking may be distorted or my actions incorrect. The Holy Spirit soon clarifies things and I have never known this simple prayer to fail, and in reflection I generally ask myself why I did not pray this prayer sooner!

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