The Psalms:
Go to the Psalms:-
There will be many sources of guidance, which you can turn to, but throughout history man and women have always found that the Bible is our best help both for spiritual comfort and for sound business advice.
The world’s images of a successful man or woman are distorted, but the images confront us at each turn. Wealth is success we are told in so many ways.
Yes, we need to generate income and we all wish to be successful in our business venture, but it is our approach that matters, and the principles that we are going to base our venture on.
The Psalms offer great comfort and wisdom to us, in particular I can testify to the peace and guidance found in them. How often have we been tormented by the feelings of jealousy of the success of others, or suddenly all we have seems pointless as we are suddenly faced with redundancy. How often do we allow others to control our emotions and affect our stress levels?
Who is in control of your life? The Lord Jesus? Or the person who causes you to loose your temper?
The Lord is my God, it is He that I desire to control my life, He is my strength and my salvation, in Him do I trust.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain, Unless the Lord watches over the City, the watchman stand guard in vain, In vain you rise up early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat – for he grants sleep to those he loves.”
(Psalm 127 1-2)
Let us begin to get a feel for the mortality of Man and the Eternity of God.
May the words of the Lord be a balm to our souls, and a light to our feet.
Let us begin to look at the Psalms, but before we do we need to review some of the terms that we shall come across. If we are not careful they can become a stumbling block to us.
“Sin” – anything that is not holy must be sinful. If we cause others to suffer then that is a sin, God may be able to use that suffering to his glory, but it is a sin. One of the most testing statements you can apply to any action is “Is it Christ like? ” Would Christ have responded as I have?
“Evil” – is anything which causes us or others to sin. We must appear evil in the eyes of the Lord many times. The Lord had to say this to his apostle, “Get thee behind me Satan”. Our ways are not perfect.
“Wicked men” – are therefore men that sin, and unfortunately too often we become wicked men and women when we do not act in a ‘holy’ manner and sin or cause others to sin.
Let us recognise our fallenness and our continual need for repentance, lets us humble ourselves before the Lord and admit our failings, as it is only from our knees that we can receive his grace of forgiveness and the joy of release from sins past with the strength to go on tomorrow to be Holy and not sinful people.
Let us not start by trying to convince ourselves that we are righteous people. We are people who live by grace, we do not seek the praise of men but the words of our Lord when he will finally greet us and say, “Well done good and faithful servant”.
The web site will be regularly updated with various Psalms which I believe are relevant to Men and Women in Business life.