Database Development:
The writer has experience in developing databases across a wide range of applications.
· Pharmaceutical companies
· Service industries to the general public
· Service industries to commerce and industry
· Employee satisfaction surveys and analysis
· Payment schemes for the NHS
· Training video library for a large supermarket chain
· Client databases for solicitors offices
· Cost estimating databases for manufacturing and project management
· Project management control
· Health and Safety databases
· Client survey databases used within the FM (facility management) industry
· Process databases to automate repetitive administration tasks
Where a company does not have the resource to manage a database, the writer can offer a service to maintain and develop the database to meet the changing needs of the company.
Current hourly rates are from £43 per hour.
Typically, where the service is to provide a part time management role, the writer will create a memorandum of understanding between the client and MFB which will guarantee the company an agreed minimum number of hours availability each month. The client has no liability to provide that amount of work but they are assured that if the need is there, then they have the agreed level of resource available to them.